September 14, 2017
Drama In The Hood
“Yeonji Lee rounds out this magnificent cast as the young girl at the heart of this story, Setsuko Kobayashi. In the opening of the opera, she is not able to inhabit fully the innocence and youth of Setsuko. As the child is forced to grow and mature, however, Lee is able to find incredible nuance and complexity within the character.”
- Molly Cassidy
September 15, 2017
"The star of the show, however, was Yeonji Lee, who had the most dramatic opportunities to show off her character's range - from an angry, naïve young girl to an angry, sorrowful young woman. Lee's beautiful, stentorian soprano went from baby- talking her doll and arguing with her parents, to demanding of Jim Crowley that he remove the blindfold of racism and see Setsuko clearly as a human being. "
- Sharon Cumberland